Visual Feast.

#nowplaying Nothin’ but keyboard pecks and falling rain.
Hope this finds you well; not much to report from #6 other than my Gratitude Box project is on day 9 and going strong. I’ll have to pack sheets Jan. 13-16th as I will be out of town this MLK Jr. weekend. Am predicting one line per day will not be enough space to contain all my thanks! I’m also still on my “smile more kick“, although I confess I haven’t been as toothy the past few days. We’re all a work in progress.

Here are a few images that have made my day delightful. All linked to source…enjoy!

Season 5 of Mad Men premieres March 25th: how long until it streams on Netflix?! Le sigh….

Happiness is a warm [toy] gun [held by Saucy Red Riding Hood].

I love this dress.

Frontal view.

Moon Lady.

Carole Lombard: beautiful profile, awesome neckline.

Desiiiiiiire [Bono voice].

Can’t get enough of Richard Prince’s Nurses: Nurse Barclay’s Dilemma, 2002

Runaway Nurse, 2006

Happy Birthday, Jimmy Page! BA guitarist/ hair god.

Who wouldn’t want to receive one of these?! via This/ or / That ? / my Tumblr diversion of the day

Amazing! via Kitten Covers

“Those who seek beauty will find it.” -Bill Cunningham


PoseCity xo.